Orpington Village Hall Display

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Orpington Village Hall Display

Alan Graham
This morning I replaced David Barnes panel 'I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside' with Barrie Duffield's LRPS panel. The remainder of the display will be changed next month.

If you have not seen the display please pop along, it is free to see anytime the halls are open.

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Re: Orpington Village Hall Display

Thanks Al,

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On 26 Oct 2016, at 11:53 AM, Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

This morning I replaced David Barnes panel 'I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside' with Barrie Duffield's LRPS panel. The remainder of the display will be changed next month.

If you have not seen the display please pop along, it is free to see anytime the halls are open.

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Re: Orpington Village Hall Display

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Today Chris Sawyer and I visited the OVH and changed 26 of the images. For now Barrie's LRPS panel will remain.

The following members have at least one image on display: AG, AP, BD, BK, BM, CN, CS, DB, DG, MM, PH, RW, TE.

Most of the images used are from the annual exhibition. If you have images being used for the SLF or KCPA external competitions these will not be available to show for a while.

In a week or so we will be increasing the number of frames on display by another 15. At this time more of your photographs will be put on show. I will announce when this has been done.

Please pop along and have a look. The display is available to view whenever the halls are open.

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Re: Orpington Village Hall Display

Alan Graham
Update on the display at the Orpington Village Halls.

Today Chris Sawyer and I added another panel of 9 images to our permanent exhibition. This panel consist of images I took last season at Lullingstone Castle and The World Garden. We now have 44 frames displaying our work.

During the next couple of weeks Barrie's LRPS panel will be replaced and at the end of our season more will be changed.

If you have images that have never been entered into competition* but would like to display this is the place you can do it. Individual images or panels are welcomed. I try to rotate the images to keep them fresh.

We now have places where 4 (landscape), 5 (portrait), 9 (as shown above) & 10 images can be shown together to form a panel. The 10 panel areas can display in portrait or landscape. If you are interested please speak to me. All areas can house mixed images from different members.

* Past competition images are also welcomed.
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Re: Orpington Village Hall Display

Bob Mabberley
I viewed the display on Monday and thought it very good.
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Re: Orpington Village Hall Display

Alan Graham
Thanks Bob. Did it look as if any had fallen off the wall? We have had a problem with the new paint...
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Re: Orpington Village Hall Display

Bob Mabberley
Everything looked OK to me but I did notice on my Rievaulx Abbey print the club card was over my name tag. I thought maybe it was censorship  but perhaps falling off the wall was the answer. Also I thought a note explaining the panels might have been informative.
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Re: Orpington Village Hall Display

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
After the AGM I was left with just 13 prints to put up at the Village Hall. Allowing for 2 panels to remain for a short time longer I could do with another 10 prints to freshen up the display.

I do need a minimum of 5 portrait orientated images but only have 2. The rest can be landscape.

If you want any of your past season's prints displayed and are not needed for the Annual Exhibition would you let me know. I can take them at the Prize Giving meal or arrange collection.

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Re: Orpington Village Hall Display

Alan Graham
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In reply to this post by Alan Graham
This morning Chris Sawyer and myself replaced all 42 prints at the Orpington Village Halls. We used mostly the prints from the Summer Exhibition which does mean we have a number that are yet to be displayed. The next change will not be done until after the New Year.

I will be bringing the 42 images that were up together with the rest to our meeting on Tuesday. It would be useful if you would claim back your own prints. David Grimwade may take some for the church display.

Please encourage friends and family to pop in to see the display and share our Facebook notice if you can.

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