Orpington Village Hall

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Orpington Village Hall

David Barnes
The prints on display at OVH were refreshed last evening. The halls are open from 09:00 to 23:00.
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Re: Orpington Village Hall

Alan Graham
November 2015 Update:

The display at the OVH was refreshed last Friday with 40 new prints.

For security reasons the front door is on a controlled lock. Entry is free and you can view at anytime the building is manned. Just ring the bell, say you want to see the photographs and enjoy the show.
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Re: Orpington Village Hall

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by David Barnes
Over the Christmas period our display at the OVH was removed to allow walls to be repainted. Today Chris Sawyer and I replaced the display adding a further 8 images. We now have 48 photographs on display.

As part of the revamp I have developed a wall that will display a panel of 10 images in two rows. This will be treated as a mini gallery. To get things started I asked David Barnes to supply a themed panel which is now on display. It is entitled 'I do like to be beside the seaside'.

Some images on show have been moved around a little, one or two needed to be replaced to accommodate a change between landscape and portrait. I hope to refresh of other images within the next month or so.

Please pop in to see the new layout when you're next passing.
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