Orpington Village Hall

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Orpington Village Hall

Message posted on Facebook. Our photos hanging there should be checked out when it reopens?
Tuesday 11th June 2019:

Unfortunately, and with great regret, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to close Orpington Village Hall until further notice.

This means that NONE OF OUR REGULAR CLASSES will be running during this period.  All regular hires have been notified at this stage.

The heavy rainfall on 10th June 2019 has caused water ingress coming through the roof, bringing down parts of the ceilings in the halls.  

We are doing all we can to rectify the problems and apologise for any inconvenience caused.  The Halls phone lines are NOT live and internet is not available at the site either so please do bear with us if you are trying to contact us.

We will be updating this information as soon as we can with news of when we will be re-opening, so please stay tuned on FB and our website.

Any questions, please EMAIL admin@orpingtonvillagehall.org.uk

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this very difficult time, and fingers crossed we can update with some good news soon!
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Re: Orpington Village Hall

Alan Graham
I was in contact with them the other day and I can't get into the halls until they have assessed the situation themselves. This will be done asap. Hopefully it will be just the floors they have had issues with. Alan

On Fri, 14 Jun 2019, 08:30 PeterH [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum], <[hidden email]> wrote:
Message posted on Facebook. Our photos hanging there should be checked out when it reopens?
Tuesday 11th June 2019:

Unfortunately, and with great regret, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to close Orpington Village Hall until further notice.

This means that NONE OF OUR REGULAR CLASSES will be running during this period.  All regular hires have been notified at this stage.

The heavy rainfall on 10th June 2019 has caused water ingress coming through the roof, bringing down parts of the ceilings in the halls.  

We are doing all we can to rectify the problems and apologise for any inconvenience caused.  The Halls phone lines are NOT live and internet is not available at the site either so please do bear with us if you are trying to contact us.

We will be updating this information as soon as we can with news of when we will be re-opening, so please stay tuned on FB and our website.

Any questions, please EMAIL [hidden email]

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this very difficult time, and fingers crossed we can update with some good news soon!

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Re: Orpington Village Hall

Alan Graham
Lucy has confirmed our prints are safe and untouched by the damage. It was the ceiling in the large hall that got damaged. 

Once access is possible, they hope to get the small hall up and running soon, plans are afoot to change the current display. 

Having had fire and now flood the next setback, traditionally plague, is unlikely to effect us much...

On Fri, 14 Jun 2019, 09:11 Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum], <[hidden email]> wrote:
I was in contact with them the other day and I can't get into the halls until they have assessed the situation themselves. This will be done asap. Hopefully it will be just the floors they have had issues with. Alan

On Fri, 14 Jun 2019, 08:30 PeterH [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum], <[hidden email]> wrote:
Message posted on Facebook. Our photos hanging there should be checked out when it reopens?
Tuesday 11th June 2019:

Unfortunately, and with great regret, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to close Orpington Village Hall until further notice.

This means that NONE OF OUR REGULAR CLASSES will be running during this period.  All regular hires have been notified at this stage.

The heavy rainfall on 10th June 2019 has caused water ingress coming through the roof, bringing down parts of the ceilings in the halls.  

We are doing all we can to rectify the problems and apologise for any inconvenience caused.  The Halls phone lines are NOT live and internet is not available at the site either so please do bear with us if you are trying to contact us.

We will be updating this information as soon as we can with news of when we will be re-opening, so please stay tuned on FB and our website.

Any questions, please EMAIL [hidden email]

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this very difficult time, and fingers crossed we can update with some good news soon!

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Re: Orpington Village Hall

Too late. This was Orpington  High Street earlier.
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Re: Orpington Village Hall

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Re: Orpington Village Hall

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by PeterH

Great picture. Isn't that the usual crowd outside McDonalds?