PAGB Inter Federation Selection 20th June.

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PAGB Inter Federation Selection 20th June.

David Barnes
As you may already have seen on the KCPA website, this year is the turn of the KCPA
as a Federation to host the selection of the Sony PAGB Inter Federation Exhibition,
and arrange for the images to be displayed in a public venue. (See attached poster for
further information).

The Selection will take place on Saturday 20 June 2015 at the Kings Church, Victoria Road,
Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9LR and will be open to the public.

Tickets are available at the price of £5 each & snacks at £2.50.

It looks set to be another good event, that we hope KCPA affiliated club members will
wish to come along to. If you have not already purchased a ticket, don’t miss out!

Go online today to purchase your ticket(s) to come along & see the selection take place.

Do feel free to share this information with your fellow club members.

Kind Regards.
Tracy Hughes.