Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) ‘masters of print’ exhibition opens to the public on 5th. December
Details from: Clive Tanner MPAGB FRPS, Sponsorship & Advertising for PAGB
"This will be the premier print exhibition for camera club members this year and it is planned for several years in the future as an annual event. Please urge secretaries of KCPA clubs to publicise this exhibition to their members and exhort them to make a trip to London to see it. With a restricted number of prints and only one print hung from any entrant, it will be a fine exhibition, one that showcases the PAGB to the highest level.
The address details are:-
R.K. Burt & Company
57-61 Union Street
London SE1 1SG
The official opening is during the afternoon of 4th. December, the exhibition will be open from 5th. December until 15th. December and will be taken down during the afternoon of 15th. December. Gallery opening hours are 10 am. to 4 pm. daily.
I know that PAGB President Gordon Jenkins and Rod Wheelans, who conceived this exhibition, are most anxious that this first exhibition for ‘masters of print’ is a great success so please spread the word and be there yourselves if at all possible."