PDI 2 The Results...

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PDI 2 The Results...

OPS Notices
The second round of the PDI competition has seen a new leader edge ahead. With just one round left there are just 4 points between the top 6 members. All to play for then next February...

Last night's competition saw two entries gaining top marks. Our congratulations goes to Chris Nash with his 'The Eagle Chick' and the overall winner by Richard Waterman, 'Sunset Over Derwent Water'.

Sunset Over Derwent Water by Richard Waterman

The full results can be found on the 2017-18 Results page.
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Re: PDI 2 The Results...

Well done Richard.
I don't normally rant about judges but ........
I wasn't there last night but for my image 'Reflecting cultural differences I understand the judge wasn't sure if I had cloned onto the wall the 'western' dressed people. In fact, as Barrie will attest, this was a straight image. The architect of the building had reflective glass put in the window, so what you are seeing is the reflection of the graffiti covered wall opposite, and the people walking along it. Why don't judges just mark what they see rather than speculating, wrongly, on how it was achieved?
In addition, the SAME judge marked the SAME image just 9 days ago and gave it 19 whereas last night he thought it only worth 17.........
Rant over :)