PDI Challenge 1 - 30th October

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PDI Challenge 1 - 30th October

OPS Notices
Our first PDI Challenge will be on 30th October 2018.

The theme is BOTTLE(S).

Interpret this as you feel fit. This is a judged competition.

As per other PDI competitions you may enter 3 images. Usual PDI rules apply and they should be submitted by Tuesday 23rd October (extra week given to published programme date).

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Re: PDI Challenge 1 - 30th October

OPS Notices
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Our first PDI Challenge has been won by Peter Humphrey FRPS with his image 'Bottle Stoppers'

Congratulations to Peter and to the other 20/20 scorers:

'On the Shelf' by Peter Humphrey FRPS
'Bottles at Ightham Mote' by Peter Humphrey FRPS
'I see no ship' by Richard Waterman
'There'll be just one green bootle...' by Alan Graham LRPS and
'90% of our oceans are filled with plastic' by George Knowles-Bacon

Peter will receive a certificate at the AGM.

The full list of scores can be downloaded there: PDI_Challenge_One_-_Bottles_30_Oct_2018_Results.pdf

Now to look forward to Triangles!