As promised, details of the PDI challenge moved from the 25th October to the 8th November.
This will be judged by members, normal PDI rules will apply and please send up to 3 images to in the correct format by the 1st November.
All submitted images will be shown in a slideshow, then commented on, one by one by the audience, please be kind and constructive. We ask for the images to be submitted so that we can create a scoresheet with all the image titles. Depending on the number of entries, will ask you to vote for your 6 (maybe more) favourite images on the night. This should provide enough votes to find an overall winner and 2nd/3rd place images. Once all votes have been cast, we will total the results then hold back some images worthy of contention for the PDI challenge title, as we normally do for a PDI competition. Then the winners will be announced.
If you need some inspiration, a few song titles:
Message in a bottle
Bridge over troubled waters
Sexy Back
All the small things
Sunshine on a cloudy day
Love the sound of breaking glass
Sitting on the dock of the bay
Summer Breeze
My Umbrella
I am the one and only
Over the rainbow
Mr Blue sky
Born to run
Ray of light
Dancing Queen
Stairway to Heaven
Stand by me