PDI Competition 3rd October in-person cancelled/postponed

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PDI Competition 3rd October in-person cancelled/postponed

OPS Notices

This Tuesday's meeting, our first PDI competition, will not be taking place in the hall. We've had a few cases of Covid 19 amongst committee members, needed to run a PDI meeting. We (the Committee) have taken the decision to cancel the in-person meeting on Tuesday 3rd October. Keeping everyone safe is a priority for the club.

We have contacted the judge, Kevin Bell, to see if he is willing to move to a Zoom based meeting, thus allowing the competition to continue. We await his response but decided to inform everyone in advance.

With regards to Print round 1 entries, we will accept them on Tuesday 10th October, the day of the the competition. To help us with the logistics, could you please provide the titles of your print entries to Chris Sawyer, in advance, so that we can set the running order.

We will update you once we have further information.
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Re: PDI Competition 3rd October in-person cancelled/postponed

Chris Sawyer
The print titles should be sent to my personal email address.  I will send out instructions tomorrow.

Chris S