PDI Final submissions

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PDI Final submissions

Richard W
Attached below is the list of members and their Image titles that are being submitted to the judge this weekend  for him to select the Best of the PDI Images for the season 16/17.

The judge will be asked to select the following:-

Overall Top PDI of the season
2 x Highly Commended
3 x Commended

He will also be asked to comment on a "number" of PDIs on the night of 28th Mar. The judge will not be aware of marks previously allocated to the images so he will be approaching it as A N Other PDI competition. However, on the evening he will be aware of what he has selected as top images. As far as members are concerned it will be run as another PDI evening, maybe with a few surprises in store!!

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Re: PDI Final submissions

small typo Richard - Barrie not Barry
On 25 Feb 2017, at 11:47, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Attached below is the list of members and their Image titles that are being submitted to the judge this weekend  for him to select the Best of the PDI Images for the season 16/17.

The judge will be asked to select the following:-

Overall Top PDI of the season
2 x Highly Commended
3 x Commended

He will also be asked to comment on a "number" of PDIs on the night of 28th Mar. The judge will not be aware of marks previously allocated to the images so he will be approaching it as A N Other PDI competition. However, on the evening he will be aware of what he has selected as top images. As far as members are concerned it will be run as another PDI evening, maybe with a few surprises in store!!


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Re: PDI Final submissions

Richard W
In reply to this post by Richard W
The PDIs for this season's final have now been sent to the judge to allow him to assess them prior to the evening so there is NO changing of minds etc.

For the newer folks amongst us, the evening will be run just like any other internal PDI competition BUT this time the judge knows who has won, we don't!

He has been asked to select the following:-

One overall winner
2 x Highly Commended
3 x Commended

He has been asked to provide general comments on A N Other 35 images on the night i.e. why they are good but not good enough or similar comments to help the photographer improve/learn etc.

DO NOT be disappointed if none of you images are shown at all. This is not personal, we simply do not have time to show all entries and receive comments on the night

Good luck all!