Hi Adrian,
It's a different competition. I have copied the rules below.
In summary, you will automatically enter any 20s or 20+'s into the competitions. The committee will advise how many other images can be entered. These are images that were entered in rounds 1 to 3 or any of the challenges.
Hope this helps.
30. At the end of each season there will be image of the year finals for colour prints, monochrome prints and PDIs. An accredited judge will determine the winning images and those images meriting certification.
31. The winning images from each round of the internal print and PDI competitions will automatically be entered into the images of the year finals. The committee will advise the number of prints and PDIs to be entered by each member into the image of the year finals.
32. PDIs will be sent to an accredited judge in advance of the final. The judge will comment on the winning image, those meriting certification and images selected at the judge’s discretion.