A total of 48 images from 16 members were judged in round 2 of our PDI competition. The judged picked out 4 images to be awarded top marks, our congratulations goes to:
'Living Art' by
Peter Humphrey FRPS
'An Enquiring Mind' by
Philip Brown'Crossing' by
Yicheng Luand to the overall winner,
'Chevie Roadtrip' by
Barrie Duffield
The full list of scores:
PDI_Two_Nov_2018_Results.pdfPositions after 2 rounds:
PDI_2_positions_Nov2018.pdfThe third and final round will be held on 12th February 2019 and is judged by next week's speaker Andy Smith LRPS, maybe worth coming to listen to what hints and advice he might give...