PDI round 3 and PDI of the year

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PDI round 3 and PDI of the year

Ian Stedman
A total of 45 images were presented to Paul Parkinson, our judge for the evening and he singled out two images for top marks.

Keith Woonton scored 20+ for Southern Festoon ( Zerynthia polyxena ):

Jan Gilkes scored 20 for Anywhere you like:

Congratulations to you both.

This was the third and final PDI round. It was very close going into this, just 4 points separated 1st to 5th place.

With a score of 163 points, the PDI winner is Fay Saunders, congratulations Fay.

Next was Philip Brown on 159 points and third was Ron Jarvis on 157 points.

Full results are on the website.

You can now start thinking about the PDI of the year entries, the final takes place on the 21st March and will be judged by Andy Smith. Entries due by 14th March, you do not need to re-send the images, just email Richard with your chosen entries.

The following 20 scoring images are eligible in addition to three images chosen by each member:

Round 1
In the Shadow by Jan Gilkes
Molly by Ron Jarvis

Round 2
Irida in hiding by Ron Jarvis
Across London Bridge by Philip Brown
Red Stag at Dawn by Fay Saunders

Round 3
Southern Festoon ( Zerynthia polyxena ) by Keith Woonton scored
Anywhere you like by Jan Gilkes

Full results from all round are attached below.
