PS Creative Beta New Remove Tool

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PS Creative Beta New Remove Tool

PS have released an AI Remove Tool in a new Beta Version for those with Creative Cloud App

I tried this out on a recent image that judge suggested taking out the people, which was pretty tough until tried this below

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Re: PS Creative Beta New Remove Tool

Chris Sawyer
That's really good Barrie.  I will try it out next time I have 'extras' in my photo.
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Re: PS Creative Beta New Remove Tool

If anyone would like more details on this new feature please have a read below

The Remove tool in Photoshop Beta

One of the newest repair tools that Photoshop recently released in the Beta version of Photoshop is the Remove tool. This tool allows users to paint the areas of the image that need repair and then Photoshop does what appears to be some "cloud" processing to fill the area with pixels that match the surrounding area. Given that this process generally takes longer to complete, it's not always optimal if Delete and Fill can get the job done. It does have the advantage that it can be done on a blank pixel layer if the "Sample all layers" option is checked in the Options bar. (Delete and Fill requires a pixel layer with a stamped version of the image.) The Remove tool is currently receiving a lot of positive reviews on YouTube, so it will probably be released in the product version of Photoshop eventually. However, given the added processing time for using this tool, it might be worth trying Delete and Fill first so see if it will get the job done. For many less-complex repairs, Delete and Fill will do a perfectly good job. Currently, Photoshop Beta is the only way to access the Remove tool, and it's probably not worth installing it for just this one tool as issues with color settings and the beta version becoming the default version of Photoshop can occur when it's installed. However, the Remove tool is a potentially an important new development and that might be coming soon