Packing Prints?

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Packing Prints?


Newbie question: Do we need to wrap or pack our prints when we bring them in so they’re easier to transport/store?


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Re: Packing Prints?

Having portfolio case in future is handy if u have one otherwise bring them in at club night where someone will be collecting everyone’s in a central box

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Re: Packing Prints?

Chris Sawyer

As Barrie says they will be collected next Tuesday in a central box.  There is no need to put the print in a wrapper as they will be mixed in with all the other prints to be shown in a random order on the 22nd.

At the end of the meeting (on the 22nd) the prints will be returned to you, so it is best to bring a case along to take them home in.
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Re: Packing Prints?

In reply to this post by Bazza
Thanks Barrie, will see what Amazon can provide. :)
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Re: Packing Prints?

Thanks Chris. I think I'm away for work on the 22nd so won't get the comments first hand unfortunately. Still not 100% confirmed so hoping I can make it.