Paradox ~ WW1 talk given on 11.11.14

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Paradox ~ WW1 talk given on 11.11.14

Alan Graham
Thank you for allowing me to share the research into my Great Grandfather's role during WW1. Using the Imperial War Museum's images has helped me to understand some of the conditions and work he would have experienced.

I have a website that covers his life, including snippets from the war diaries, before and after photographs plus records I have found over the years.

Like most research projects it is never ending and some of the images shown last night are not on the website yet. As I gain an understanding to their connection with his ambulance unit I will add them.

Here is a link to the website:

Lest We Forget.
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Re: Paradox ~ WW1 talk given on 11.11.14

Dave Jackson
Thank you Alan, excellent talk last night.