Paul Griffiths - ex Club Member hosting a fashion photography workshop Saturday, April 29, 2017 10:00am 6:00pm

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Paul Griffiths - ex Club Member hosting a fashion photography workshop Saturday, April 29, 2017 10:00am 6:00pm

Paul has teamed up with a professional photographer Roberto Aquilar and offering OPS members a discounted fee from £250 to £165

Details as following


My name is Paul Griffiths and I host the show Photography Live and Uncut that is available via You Tube.. Photography Live and Uncut has teamed up with a number of professional photographers that are looking to share their skills to your members in workshops... I would be grateful if you could forward this information onto your members.

The host is Robert Aguilar a professional photographer, who has years of experience working in the fashion, hairstyle and lifestyle photography industry. He is also a tutor at The London College of Fashion and has lectured in Paris.

The workshop is to be held at Roberto's Studio in Battersea Park. He will demonstrate his workflow from the conceptual idea, photographing and then editing the images of the concept. The student will experience a hands on tutorial as they engage in photographing a model, either in the studio or in the urban area...

This truly is a unique insight into how a professional photographer works and will give you many tips on improving your portrait, fashion and lifestyle shooting.

Normally priced at £250.00 this workshop will cost only £165.00 each for a maximum of 8 attendees ensuring that one-to-one experience.

For more information and to sign up please go to...

I really hope your members will be interested and without hesitation will sign up for this wonderful opportunity...

Kind regards

Paul Griffiths