Pet & Wildlife Photography Competitions

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Pet & Wildlife Photography Competitions

Chris Sawyer
I received the following about 2 photo competitions from Diana Parkhouse of FOXERY (

If you check out the website you will see there is an entry fee of £10 for 3 images.

"Introducing two new photography competitions for
your club members to enter.
Enter your photos. Help animals. Win cash.
Two new competitions, for pet and UK wildlife photography.
Two cash prizes of £250 each.  
20% profits to go to animal welfare charities.
Open to amateurs and professionals.

No tricksy stealing of images, or dubious unauthorised calendar printing in far away lands.
Just some straight up traditional style competitions run right here in the UK, raising funds for the critters we love to photograph.

Entries close 31st May 2018.

To find out more please go to

Get your club members involved, and good luck!"