Photography Competitions - Wildlife & Street

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Photography Competitions - Wildlife & Street

Chris Sawyer
From: Ben Jones, The Societies of Photographers  

Hi Orpington Photographic Society

 We hope you have managed to get together now that restrictions have eased. I thought that I would just drop you a note with information on our 2 great free photographic competitions which your members may be interested in entering.

 Win 12 months membership to The Societies (Which includes fantastic discounts for our upcoming 2022 Convention)

Enter here     
**NEW** Wonderful Wildlife Photography Competition

The theme is Wonderful Wildlife, any images that depicts the wild world eg. beautiful flora and fauna, insects and bugs, animals in their habitats, forests, landscapes, seascapes, underwater just to name but a few, so let's see your best Wildlife images entered.

*Top Tip* Remember the weather can play an important role in your creations.

 Enter here     

Street Action Photography Competition

 Street photography is an ever-popular subject which captures the daily activates of the streets which we journey along. In this month’s competition we are looking for images with strong clear narratives, so images of people engrossed in an activity is encouraged.

 As with all competitions remember that good camera craft skills with accuracy of exposure is essential, good lighting is also beneficial, along with decisive cropping and excellent postproduction skills.

More info here 

Kind Regards

Ben Jones

The Societies of Photographers

Try us out free for 2 months days here