Photography Workshop - Brighton Saturday 18th August

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Photography Workshop - Brighton Saturday 18th August

Chris Sawyer
The club has received details about some photographic workshops.  If you are interested, please contact the organiser directly.  The details are as follow:

"My name is Simon Hawkins, I am an internationally published documentary and street photographer.

I am running a one day workshop in Brighton this coming Saturday (18th) which I thought may be of interest to some of your members.

Details can be found at .

As a former camera club member myself I know that clubs often take a break during the summer months, so this might give people an excuse to get out and learn something new.

Alternatively, closer to home I have three workshops in London between September and Xmas.

I hope you don't mind my direct approach, I am sure you get this all the time. If you can share that would be great, but if not thanks a lot for your time.
