Photoshop Camera App

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Photoshop Camera App

With very little options on traditional photography especially if not using public transport I have resorted to looking at alternative mediums for creating ideas.

Adobe launched there mobile PsC app which once linked to LR mobile can produce some interesting results.

Instagram - I have been informed is the new Flickr or 500px and adapting shots from a store of old images it’s given a chance to revamp them as below.

Apologies for anyone already being exposed via my Instagram account but here’s a few examples

Suggest you have a dabble giving some old photos a new but unusual lease of life.....
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Re: Photoshop Camera App

Chris Sawyer
Barrie, How big is your fish tank?

Some of your images look like they have had the Luminar 4 treatment.
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Re: Photoshop Camera App

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Bazza
An interesting set of images Barrie. I don't think I have the imagination to put together similar.

Without being too nosey how much is added to your own images by the programme?

I'm mindful of an old question in competition 'where did the sky come from?"
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Photoshop Camera App

It’s mainly the backgrounds that are added, sometimes it needs some cutting out but mostly the app is using something like blends in PS.

The exception to above was the girl in fish tank which was purely foreground replacement.

No additional plug-ins used Chris as it’s all done by the app and various freelance artists with PS who put together the settings, it’s really only good for the likes of Instagram viewing but could give ideas for the full treatment in photo clubs comps later next year....

I’am aiming to submit one every few days on Instagram if my library and No repeats allow.

Recent activity ....

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Re: Photoshop Camera App

Interesting effects. Perhaps you could detail the steps to get images like these? Assuming one has Adobe Creative Cloud...
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Re: Photoshop Camera App

Chris Sawyer
Hi Barrie,

Just to let you know that there might be problem in entering some of these types of images in club and external competitions.  Our own rules state:

"4. All entries shall be the original work of the member, who must hold the copyright. Entries may be straight scans, manipulated or composites of multiple images but all work must be the unaided work of the photographer. "

In the past we have taken this to mean that the main elements of the image have actually been photographed by the member entering the competition.  For example, that would mean you would probably have to justify taking the image which has Jupiter in it.

I remember that we made an exception for using 'stock images' of textures, but nothing else.

I can see that this opens up a discussion on what is and what is not acceptable.

I really like what you have produced, so I am really sorry to be a party-pooper.

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Re: Photoshop Camera App

Chris Sawyer
Hi Alan,

Sorry to duplicate your comment.  I just found your post in my 'spam folder.

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Re: Photoshop Camera App

In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
agree Chris, therefore i added

"it’s really only good for the likes of Instagram viewing but could give ideas for the full treatment in photo clubs comps later next year"
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Re: Photoshop Camera App

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Spam folder? Blimey I haven’t left yet..!
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Photoshop Camera App

Chris Sawyer
Good point Barrie.

One idea is that we could have a 'Creative' PDI Challenge in future where anything goes.