Photoshop Super Resolution

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Photoshop Super Resolution

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Re: Photoshop Super Resolution

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Peter.

I gave it a go, but I don't think I was successful.  It boosted a 15Mb RAW file into a 72MB DNG file.  The strange thing is the pixel dimensions collapsed from 5000 x 3000 to 1024 x 768.  

I opened the DNG file in Photoshop and saved it as a jpeg.  This time it was 12Mb (not as big as the original).

I also opened the DNG in Lightroom and this was exported at its largest resolution - a 12Mb jpeg.

Finally I cropped the image to 1400 x 1000 (1.4Mb) to give the following:

I think I am missing a trick here.
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Re: Photoshop Super Resolution

Richard W

I think you have boobed along the way somewhere. I tried it earlier and it changed my RAW from 25Mb to 253Mb  and the pixel count doubled from 5760x3840 to 11520x7680, the resulting DNG file was VERY impressive
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Re: Photoshop Super Resolution

Yep it worked for me after studying process a 2nd time, as Peter’s article suggested - it’s ideal for cropping from RAW image. 

More testing due but when making prints this could improve final quality 

Sent from my iPad

On 21 Mar 2021, at 10:29, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:


I think you have boobed along the way somewhere. I tried it earlier and it changed my RAW from 25Mb to 253Mb  and the pixel count doubled from 5760x3840 to 11520x7680, the resulting DNG file was VERY impressive

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