Photoshop update...Nik not working properly

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Photoshop update...Nik not working properly

Is anyone else having problems with the above?  I dont think Nik is available free now with the later editions, but not sure it works ok on the upgraded Photoshop anyway. Also anyone know how to roll the update back to the older version?

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Re: Photoshop update...Nik not working properly

Richard W
Hi Fay
Are you on Windows or Mac?
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Re: Photoshop update...Nik not working properly

Hi Richard. Windows. I managed to go back to previous version.  I am thinking not all of Nik is working. Mine was free. I could pay and update it, but read that some features will still not work with the PS update
I will  work my way thru the features and see how they are.  Thanks for replying Richard
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Re: Photoshop update...Nik not working properly

Hi Fay, I have a IMac and purchased the original discs when first launched and deferred paying another lump when new updated version arrived from DXO.

Finally succumbed to the cost, I have since been very impressed with DXO process using NIK via LR and PS it’s a lot smoother and easier to use.

Not had any probs with latest PS update but will keep reviewing
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Re: Photoshop update...Nik not working properly

 Thanks Barry. Nik is not that expensive. I have always kept my old dodgy PS C5 version as a backup, not as good as ps CS 2021 but better than nothing.

Yes some of it worked but not all. My computer went down twice today, nightmare, BLUE screen with writing on. Perhaps my processing was a bit intensive and it got hot.
