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Pick a card and show – 21 Feb 2017 – the list so far
David Barnes Shoot the shadow of something made of glass, 3 x PDI
Barrie Duffield Open a magazine and recreate the first image you see, 3 x PDI (3 different and bring the magazine to prove it)
Neil Hobday Go out and in 30 mins shoot something red, a cat and a bicycle, 3 x PDI
Bob Mabberly Photograph a plate of food in the style of Ansell Adams This is difficult but research will help – 3 x PDI
Tracey Elvidge Interpret the phrase “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link” photographically Another hard one 2 x PDI
Brian Keith Stop a stranger in the street and take their portrait, 3 x PDI
Yicheng Lu Take a great picture in which everything is out of focus, 3 x PDI
Richard Waterman Spend a day shooting things with your camera pointing upwards, 3 x PDI
Derek Spillman Photograph something you find in your fridge. As this is easy, 1 x PDI colour, 2 x PDI Mono
Alan Graham Shoot six orange objects Too easy 3 x PDI will suffice
Chris Sawyer Make a symmetrical image using reflections 3 x PDI
Martin Adams Photograph five things beginning with the letter E 3 x PDI
Agnes Shoot something in your tool box 3 x PDI mono
Chris Nash Shoot a subject that’s only partly in the frame Easy for you Chris 1 x PDI colour, 2 x PDI Mono
Alan Parkinson Take a self portrait in the style of a well known photographer3 x PDI
The brief
1. This is a bit of lighthearted fun aimed at getting members out of their comfort zone and into a new challenge of photography.
2. All entries are PDI format, 1400 x 1050, sRGB format.
3. The aim is not to produce “stunning” images, though that would be good, but it is to see how you interpret your individual challenge
4. Try to have fun doing your challenge, be honest with it and challenge yourself at the same time
5. Bring the entries on the night 21st Feb or email them direct to me richard1958@btinternet.com
6. Any questions please do ask soonest