Pinter up fro grabs at a FANTASTIC price.

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Pinter up fro grabs at a FANTASTIC price.

Malcolm Ming
Hi folks,
I have a printer for grabs.
Canon Pixma MP520
All in one printer, scanner Copier.

Not a professional photo printer, but a great all rounder (all in one).
Prints A4. Colour. 4 ink cartridges.  Black, blue, yellow and magenta (if memory serves)
I've used it for competition prints before, so quality is not that bad.  It just takes a few tweaks in lightroom.
Fully functional, but I have no CD with the drivers.  It will need to be downloaded from the Canon website.
Colour links are almost dry, but I have 3 black cartridges to go with it (Canon brand).

Cost:  Absolutely nothing.  Free to whoever wants it.  1st come 1st served.  You will need to collect.
I'm only getting rid of it because I have no more room for it.  I'm clearing a load of stuff out and having 2 printers in the house is a bit excessive.

Let me know.
email:  or
call:  07475622212