Plans for the future of OPS presentation

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Plans for the future of OPS presentation

Ian Stedman

As promised, the presentation shown tonight has been converted to PDF and attached to this post.Plans_for_the_Future_of_OPS.pdf

I did make note of some of  ideas from tonight but please comment in this forum. If you want to contact me directly, use this email

Thank you for attending tonight and providing your comments, they were much appreciated.
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Re: Plans for the future of OPS presentation

Thank you Ian and Committee for the presentation.

Just one comment in addition those mentioned to Ian on Tuesday - trophies.
Might it be useful to have a vote from the members about trophies?  The engraving is costly plus, as mentioned, a new one is required.
Do we want to continue presenting them or would a nice certificate work instead?
I know it does not affect me (!) but just a thought for discussion to save money.

Thank you
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Re: Plans for the future of OPS presentation

Agree Jan, Trophies are nice and traditional but personally don’t think such a big deal now, certificates are adequate plus don’t need a massive trophy cabinet
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Re: Plans for the future of OPS presentation

For Sale
One Trophy Cabinet 🤣
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Re: Plans for the future of OPS presentation

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Re: Plans for the future of OPS presentation

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by JanGilkes

We have two members evenings left, on the 12th and 19th March, perhaps we can use 10-20 minutes on one of these nights to discuss the future of trophies and feedback from members?

Have had feedback from a few members, with some good ideas, thank you for taking the time and effort.

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Re: Plans for the future of OPS presentation

In reply to this post by JanGilkes
I think perhaps both a certificate & a trophy would be nice. I'm willing to donate money to cover engraving for the next 5 years in my donation later this year.