Print Storage Boxes

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Print Storage Boxes

Chris Sawyer
Earlier this year I ordered some print boxes for some of our members.  I have had further requests for print boxes and I am happy to organise their delivery again.

I use 'Nomadcases' and their prices seem reasonable.  For example, a 6" deep heavy duty case with a handle costs £28.  Shipping costs are £12 extra, but the good news is that this stays the same no matter how many cases we buy so we can share out the cost.  

I have put together a few screen shots below and you can either answer this post or let me know at the next club meeting if you want me to order a case for you.

I would recommend you go for the heavy duty cases as they have two straps whereas the standard cases are only secured by one strap.

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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Richard W
Its a thanks but no thanks from me Chris. Thank you for helping all members, sad to see nobody jumping forward with their wallets yet !!
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Re: Print Storage Boxes

Chris Sawyer
I've got an order from Martin Adams for 2 boxes.  I just need a couple more to make this worthwhile.