The following Prints scored either 20 or 20+ and can be entered into the Print of the Year Competitions:
Colour Prints Tube Girl - Barrie Duffield
The glint in his eye - Barrie Duffield
Flamingos - David Barnes FRPS
Intent in his eyes - David BarnesĀ FRPS
Red Deer Hind - Fay Saunders
Cretan Argus - Kretaniapsylorita - Keith Woonton
Isle of Mull Lighthouse - Peter Humphrey FRPS
Upturned fishing boats, Lindisfarne - Peter Humphrey FRPS
Playtime - Philip Brown LRPS
Sunset - Ron Jarvis
Mono Prints Under the Severn Bridge - Barrie Duffield
Reach for the Sky - Chris Sawyer
Lions - David Barnes FRPS
Yohoi - Fay Saunders
The Kelpies - Peter Humphrey FRPS
The Scorpion - Peter Humphrey FRPS
Cityscape Solitude - Peter Humphrey FRPS
In addition each member can submit 2 Colour Prints and 2 Mono Prints of their choice, that have already been submitted into one of the Competitions earlier this season.
Please bring all your Prints that are being entered into one of the Print of the Year Competitions to the meeting on Tuesday 26th March.