Printer maintenance

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Printer maintenance

With the Society not meeting during the summer months, and unlikely to be holding print competitions for the foreseeable future, you may not have much reason to print any images at the moment.  However if you have your own printer, remember to run an occasional test print through it, in order to keep things moving, and in particular to avoid any ink drying problems.  
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Re: Printer maintenance

Alan Graham
A very good tip Peter. Thanks.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Printer maintenance

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by PeterH
One other issue I recently discovered is that my printer is no longer supported on the latest Mac Operating System.  My printer a Canon PRO9000 mkll is 8+ years old and no longer works with my iMac and when I checked on the Canon Website there is no longer a Driver Set available for this printer alongside the latest Mac OS.
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Re: Printer maintenance

Thank you for the advice Peter.
If the printer has not been used for a very long time, do you think new inks should be loaded?
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Re: Printer maintenance

Try printing a test sheet and if it looks like one of the ink cartridges is blocked get the printer to do a printer head clean as well. 

On 3 Jul 2020, at 15:27, JanGilkes [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thank you for the advice Peter.
If the printer has not been used for a very long time, do you think new inks should be loaded?

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Re: Printer maintenance

In reply to this post by PeterH

I should have followed my own advice!
I wanted to make a print or two and found that having not used my printer for several months the print head was blocked. Despite numerous print head cleaning cycles the print head is still blocked for one of the colours.
I have ordered a print head cleaning kit off Amazon which is supposed to fix the problem. I will let you know how I get on.

Repeat after me.....’I must run a print check every week’
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Re: Printer maintenance

David Barnes
Thanks Peter!
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Re: Printer maintenance

In reply to this post by PeterH
Well after two lots of scrubbing the print head with cloth soaked in cleaning fluid, two cleaning cycles and printing a couple of prints, I have finally cleared the print head blockage.
I used a kit called the Magic Bullet and followed a video online:

I will ensure I run a weekly nozzle check from here on, although when we might ever need to make prints for competitions again is anyone's guess.....