Priory live music event on Saturday 15th August from 1200-2100

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Priory live music event on Saturday 15th August from 1200-2100

We are looking for volunteers to attend this coming Saturday - Live Music event at Priory Gardens that's been promoted by Orpington 1st. DB has indicated attending plus myself during the early evening where we can access the groups and musicians using Orpington 1st bibs

Your Photos maybe used for forthcoming Orpington 1st Calendar (if they do not have sufficient entries from the public before Xmas lights on 19th Nov)

OPS have agreed to assist with the promotion of the calendar by using our selection committee to judge the public entries  plus invite all the winning entrants during the afternoon of our Exhibition Day launch on the 10th Oct at the Orpington Village Halls - supported by Orpington 1st

Therefore please forward any reasonable photos of the high street area to to include iPhone and Android photos as being acceptable.

Link to

More details of the Exhibition Launch for 10th Oct will be made in the near future.