Hi All
Due to our success in the SLF competitions it was felt there was too much of a clash between our PDI 3 evening on the 12th February 2019 and the SLF Semi Finals competition being held at West Wickham.
Because we are in all 3 competitions we have made some changes to the programme to allow as many as possible to go to West Wickham.
Andy Smith, our PDI 3 judge, can not make another night but is willing to mark and comment on our images remotely. The competition will be run in full on the 5th March, just like the Rotorua competition.
The WW1 talks due that night have been moved to 15th January.
The revised programme has been downloaded onto the website and I have added a pdf copy below.
Note all submission dates for the remaining PDI & Print rounds remain the same.
PDI 3 images must be submitted by 5th February as they will be forwarded to Andy. No late comers can be accommodated. ops_prog_2018-2019_v.pdf