Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

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Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

Chris Sawyer
Next Tuesday is our 2nd annual Quiz Night hosted by yours truly.  There will be questions that anybody can answer and also some that nobody will be able to answer!

There will be teams of 3 or 4 and the members of the winning team will receive a prize each.

Since it is our last meeting before Christmas there will be drinks (wine, lager, soft drinks) and mince pies.

Please can you bring along £2 each to support this evening's entertainment.

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Re: Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

Thanks Chris for a great evening of entertainment, your time spent on preparing the quiz must have taken days even allowing for Richards animal photo finale.

Plus thanks to members entering into the spirit of the evening with our Auction where sufficient funds were obtained to equal another new member joining the club.

Best wishes for Xmas and see those joining us for a Curry on the 3rd January at the Bombay in Green St Green (timing tbc)
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Re: Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Barrie - I enjoyed the evening, but spent my sleeping hours asking questions in my dreams!

Here's the final result with the top 2 separated by 1 mark (scores out of 81):

1st: Teacher's Pet (45.5): Richard, Malcolm & Chris N.

2nd: US (44.5): Alan G, Peter, Tracey and David G

3rd: Across the Pond (40): David B, Martin, Brian

4th: The Over Exposed (31): Barrie, Ted, Dave J, Alan P

Winners of the individual rounds were:

- Funny Facts / Movies - US (9 out of 15)
- History - Across the Pond (6 out of 10)
- Music - US (10 out of 20)
- Technical - Teacher's Pet (18 out of 20)
- Who took that - Teacher's Pet & Across the pond (5 out of 10)
- Animal eyes - The over exposed & US (6 out of 10)

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Re: Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

Alan Graham
Great evening, well done all and a big thanks to Chris S.

On 7 Dec 2016 09:29, "Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks Barrie - I enjoyed the evening, but spent my sleeping hours asking questions in my dreams!

Here's the final result with the top 2 separated by 1 mark (scores out of 81):

1st: Teacher's Pet (45.5): Richard, Malcolm & Chris N.

2nd: US (44.5): Alan G, Peter, Tracey and David G

3rd: Across the Pond (40): David B, Martin, Brian

4th: The Over Exposed (31): Barrie, Ted, Dave J, Alan P

Winners of the individual rounds were:

- Funny Facts / Movies - US (9 out of 15)
- History - Across the Pond (6 out of 10)
- Music - US (10 out of 20)
- Technical - Teacher's Pet (18 out of 20)
- Who took that - Teacher's Pet & Across the pond (5 out of 10)
- Animal eyes - The over exposed & US (6 out of 10)

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Re: Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

Richard W
Here! Here!
Well done Chris (Bamber G) Sawyer, thank you for an entertaining evening all round :-)
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Re: Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

Alan Graham
I must say Richard “Under the Hammer” Waterman did rather well too… 
On 7 Dec 2016, at 09:41, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Here! Here!
Well done Chris (Bamber G) Sawyer, thank you for an entertaining evening all round :-)

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Re: Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

Bob Mabberley
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
It looks as if a good time was had by all, sorry I didn't make it but our flight back from Budapest was delayed by 2 1/2 hours due to the earlier fog at Heathrow.
I'll wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year and look forward to joining the "Indian" on the 3rd Jan
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Re: Quiz Night: 6th December 2016

Dave Jackson
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
great evening although we still call a 'stewards' for dubious marking

well done to the overall winners and the first loser runners up -  - much more fun finishing in last place!!