Quiz Night Tomorrow - 6th October

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Quiz Night Tomorrow - 6th October

Chris Nash
A quick reminder that it is Quiz Night tomorrow.

We will be calibrating the new laptop & projector before the quiz so whilst this is going on please would members get together in teams of 3 or possibly 4 (if enough people turn up).

Each Team will require a Team Name and somebody with legible writing to record the answers.

As far as possible each of the teams should consist of both experienced members and less experienced members, please do not forget the new members.

If there are any teams consisting of just experienced members, handicaps will be introduced to give everyone a chance.

Please could you bring your lucky pen with you or something to scribble with alongside an encyclopedic knowledge of photography, there are some wicked questions and one or two easy ones as well.

Now, where did Malcolm hide those answers....................

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Re: Quiz Night Tomorrow - 6th October

Chris Sawyer
Thanks to Chris N and Brian for presenting the quiz last night in trying circumstances with hecklers from all the teams.  Special thanks to Malcolm for devising the fiendish quiz which covered almost 300 years of photography.

It was hard fought battle from the first question to the last, with pleas from me for half-marks (Lik vs Vik will live long in my memory!) and many hurry-ups from Alan during the technical round (I think he's been watching The Chase).  The Photoshop round really foxed me and there was much hilarity when Barrie's baby photos were wrongly guessed as Avril and Malcolm by the other teams, and Alan wondered why Emmeline Pankhurst was driving a car next to a photo of little lord Barnes.

The final result was:

1st: The Youngest Ones (39.5) : David B, Alan G, Ted Secular

2nd: Canon Nikkers (38) : Chris S, John A + 1, Neville S

3rd: OMD (32.5): Barrie D, Bob Mabberley, David Wild, Ron S.

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Re: Quiz Night Tomorrow - 6th October

Alan Graham
On behalf of the other members of the team, 'The Youngest Ones' I would like to thank the organisers of this momentous competition, the opposition who fought valiantly but to no avail and to our friends and families who without their support we wouldn't have been so victorious.

As with most competitions these days the top prizes on show never seem to be awarded but we humbly accept the Toblerone, Maltesers and Milk Tray trophies and look forward to proudly wearing the high crown of office for the remainder of the season.

Malcolm you should have come alone, so much more enjoyable than watching the rugby team you support blow a convincing lead...

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