Quiz Night next Tuesday 12th December 2017

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Quiz Night next Tuesday 12th December 2017

Chris Sawyer
I will be hosting a quiz night next Tuesday (12th December 2017).  Hopefully it will be a bit of fun with teams of 3 or 4 people each.  I will try and even out the teams, but I cannot guarantee anything so elaborate as the World Cup Draw (more along the lines of Alan Sugar's Apprentice).

Please bring your own drinks and snacks.  I will bring some cups along in case anyone needs these.

There will be a small prize for each member of the winning team.

Finally, there will be an auction at the end of the evening to raise some funds for the club.  If you have any photography relevant items you no longer want or unwanted gifts or food/drink please bring them along as I am sure there will be a taker for these.

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Re: Quiz Night next Tuesday 12th December 2017

Chris Sawyer
A big thank you goes to Richard Waterman for acting as our auctioneer last night and for providing some marvellous items to auction.   I don't think we will ever forget the tense battle between Chris N, Barrie and Alan for Richard's 'nearly new' tripod.  Thank you also to anyone else who provided items for the auction.

The total money raised for club funds was £92.50.

The full list of contributions follows:

Steve Bacon (mulled wine, vintage port and tripod) - £16.50
David Barnes (white wine and lots of sweets) - £10
Paul Brett (sports book) - £5
Alan Graham (Camera bag) - £5
Paul Bently (memory drive 500Gb) - £5
Chris Nash (Prosecco and tripod) - £46
Chris Sawyer (his own rejected beer, a book and DVDs) - £5
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Re: Quiz Night next Tuesday 12th December 2017

Chris Sawyer
Congratulations goes to the winners of the annual quiz last night.  

The winning team '3 men and a lady' comprised of Peter Humphrey, Richard Waterman, Dave Jackson and Tracey Elvidge.  They romped home with 36.5 points.

2nd was team '2 + 2' captained by Chris Nash with 31.5.

3rd was 'The team with no name' captained by Alan with 26.

4th was 'DiCentra' captained by Barrie with 24.5 (which was a good effort, as Barrie pointed out that his team only has 3 people whereas all the others had 4).

The feedback during the evening was that round 1 (1917 and 2017) was a bit too difficult (sorry!) and only 1 team had listened to any pop songs in the last 40 years.

Quiz Night 4 will be held on 11th December 2018.  Book early!