Result :: Mono Print 1 (2017-18)

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Result :: Mono Print 1 (2017-18)

OPS Notices
Congratulations to Yicheng Lu for his winning mono print "Go Plowing" that fought off strong competition tonight.

The other four 20 scores where:

"Pipes" by Peter Humphrey ARPS
"Contre-Jour" by Peter Humphrey ARPS
"Above Symonsbury, Dorset" by David Barnes LRPS
"St Govans Cliffs" by Richard Waterman

Congratulations to them all and to everyone who submitted.

The full list of scores and table will be posted on the results page of the website in the next day or so.

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Re: Result :: Mono Print 1 (2017-18)

OPS Notices
The full results from last night's Mono Print Competition can be found on the 2017 - 2018 Results Page of the website.

Please note these results are not optimised for mobile viewing. To display them neatly on the website for PC/laptop viewing 2 columns are generated. These do not line up when looking on mobiles. Enquiries will be made to see if this is a limitation of the web provider or webmaster...