Return to meetings at Christ Church Hall, please vote

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Return to meetings at Christ Church Hall, please vote

OPS Notices

The committee would like to gauge your views on returning to meetings at the usual venue in September 2021. The regular hall is available to book, but we want feedback before committing the money up front. The church are flexible to a point on cancellations, they may credit us, for a missed meeting. If there is another lockdown, we will be refunded the full costs.

There is no legal requirement to wear a face mask in the church hall, you may choose to if you wish. Most members have been vaccinated so the risks are lower but cannot be completely ruled out.

The committee would like to resume meetings and host print competitions amongst other activities over the coming season. We have a talk on the 16th November, 'Capturing night and day' that is best presented in person, it would lose it's impact over zoom. It will also be great to see you all in person once again.

Please vote.

PS Sorry I forgot to add a question mark on the poll question.
Do you want to return to meetings at Christ Church Hall in September