Return trip to Kelsey park

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Return trip to Kelsey park

Ian Stedman

Another new topic to track responses and agree dates.

With earlier nesting seasons, are we considering dates in March/April timeframe?

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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

I'd be up for any trips with most weekends and weekdays usually free this time of year.
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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

Based on the survey responses so far (8 returns), I propose Tuesday 10th May with a backup date (in case of inclement weather) of Friday 13th May.
I'll let Chris Nash or someone else familiar with the area suggest arrive times.
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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

Chris Sawyer
Hi Ian,

Those dates are OK for me at the moment.
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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I can do either days.
Thank you for organising the outings.
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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

June Williams
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Morning, i should be ok for either date at the moment.
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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

Yep looks good
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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I recently went to Kelsey Park at 8am on a Saturday Morning and the Heron's nests are very busy.  
The height of activity was from about 8:30 to about 10 and there are a number of youngsters either in the nests or near their main nesting Island.  
I also found a single Little Egret who was having some problems with the Crows.  Finally, once the Herons quietened down the Coots became very active.
Whilst, I am happy to wait until May I wonder if anyone would be interested in an earlier date possibly on a Saturday or Sunday morning to avoid heavy traffic plus free parking in Manor Way?

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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

Chris Sawyer
Hi Chris,

Happy to join you for an early morning visit to Kelsey Park.  Sundays are better for me.
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Re: Return trip to Kelsey park

Sundays good for me at Kelsey, less traffic  and less family outing if early.

Weather may get back to normal soon 😩😎