Rikard Österlund talk - 29th October 2019, 7 - 9pm

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Rikard Österlund talk - 29th October 2019, 7 - 9pm

Chris Sawyer
I have received the following details of a talk.   Please contact the event organisers directly if you are interested.


I am contacting you on behalf of Sun Pier House in Medway Kent to invite you and the members of The Orpington Photographic Society to attend the artist Talk of Photographer Rikard Österlund. Tuesday the 29th October here at the Riverside Gallery at Sun Pier House.

We would love to have you here to take part in this amazing event supported by Arts Council England and the Turner Contemporary and would be very grateful if you could share this event with anyone else that may wish to attend.

Tickets are available from:


Wishing you all the best and have a lovely day,

Dan Russell

Gallery Assistant


Artist Talk at Sun Pier House: Rikard Österlund, Photographer

One year on from publishing his photobook ‘Look, I’m Wearing All the Colours’ Rikard will talk about the journey of making this book and what has happened since. 

His debut book is a tender love letter to his wife Zara. Through intimate photographs it explores a relationship lived with invisible illness as a third person. It was a winner in Athens Photography Festival 2019 and featured on two lists of the best photobooks of 2018. Rikard has also made books with Billy Childish including ‘Man in the Mouth of a Cave’; about his remarkable painting studio. An image from this series was a winner of Portrait of Britain 2018. 

As a co-founder of Rochester PhotoBook Club he will also discuss his love of photographic books and what they can teach us, not only about other places, but in allowing us to see through someone else’s eyes. 

Tuesday 29th October, 7pm – 9pm

£5 per person

£4 for Students (With student ID)

Artist Talk at Sun Pier House

A new winter season of artist talks, with three Kent based artists. The three evenings will offer the artists a professional platform to present and share their work. With an opportunity at the end of the talk for artists and audience to network and discuss in a social environment.

The talks are organised by Sun Pier House CIC, an emerging contemporary art venue in Chatham. This series of talks will be the pilot for an ongoing programme of artist talks at Sun Pier House in 2020.

The talks will take place in the Gallery at Sun Pier House, with beautiful views over River Medway spanning from Rochester Castle to Upnor Castle. The bar will be open for refreshments.

Unfortunately there is no disabled access at this time to the venue, please call for further information 01634 401 549