Ross Cup 2016

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Ross Cup 2016

David Barnes
This year’s Ross Cup competition takes place on Sunday 30th October at Ditton Community Hall, with doors

opening at 1pm.


Map to venue (Click on direction arrow to enter address travelling from)


The Ross Cup offers a great opportunity for club members to come along and meet other photographers

from different clubs, to chat with them and your own club members over a hot drink, and to view the many

printed and mounted images on display before you take your seats to listen to our judge Walter Benzie HonFRPS

begin his comments at 3pm.


Presentations will be made to the Merit Award certificate winners (max 10). The Mick Smithson Shield and

Premier Award Certificate will be awarded to the Photographer, who in the opinion of the Judge has produced

The Best Print. The Lakeland Holidays Landscape Trophy will be awarded to the Photographer who in the opinion

of the Judge has entered the Best Landscape Print.


Most Improved club trophy will be presented to the club with the highest placement as compared to their position

in the competition the previous year.


The Ross Cup Trophy, will be presented to the club who has achieved the highest total marks in the competition

from the 8 prints they have entered.


As well as all this you may even purchase one of the winning raffle tickets and get to leave with a prize.

We will also give you a catalogue when you leave, as a reminder of the day.


The KCPA look forward to welcoming you, and your fellow club members.