Ross Cup info from KCPA

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Ross Cup info from KCPA

David Barnes
Yes - it will soon be Saturday 17th October when the "feast for our eyes" called the KCPA's Ross Cup comes to The Sunshine Coast and to Eastbourne's Winter Garden !!!

* Browse and enjoy a close up view of the fantastic 296 prints entered this year.
* Sit comfortably and delight in every one of those 296 images projected on a large screen, with a beautiful musical accompaniment.
* Hear our great judge - Caroline Colegate - critique 45 of those images (at least one from each of the 37 clubs represented).
* Enjoy a break with a superb cuppa (or coffee) with a hobnob or two.
* Buy lots and lots of raffle tickets - remember when buying your tickets - 25% of any profit on the event will be donated to the Eastbourne Blind Society, a local independent charity.
* Top raffle prize is two places in the corporate box at Bath Rugby, with full hospitality, in a fantastic box overlooking this wonderful rugby ground and world famous City.
* Also win On One and Portrait Pro 12 Studio Max software and reams and reams of paper with lots of other photographic and general goodies.
* Visit the stalls of Fotospeed, Permajet and Marrutt for their very special offers on the day.
* Return to your seat to hear whether you've won raffle prizes.
* Next -  the results - hear comments on the prints and find out which 10 of our fabulous photographers have been selected for Merit Awards and certificates.
* See which individual will be presented with the Lakeland Holidays Landscape Trophy for the best landscape image entered.
* Discover the winning photographer whose print was judged "the best of the best" and see the Premier Award and Mick Smithson Shield presented.
* Learn which club has won the Most Improved Club Trophy.
* Then, the final climax, what is the final league table positions of our clubs - who came 3rd? - which club was 2nd? - what club is the overall winner to be crowned as the best print workers this year? - and the winners of the amazingly prestigious Ross Cup !!!
* The presentation of the Ross Cup, a few winding up comments and someone collecting your club's print entries, sees the end of the event.
* Still some time left if you want to avail yourself of the delights of Eastbourne on The Sunshine Coast.

DATE – 17th October 2015

VENUE - The Gold Room, Eastbourne Winter Garden, Compton Street, BN21 4BP

TIMES – Doors open 12-30 for viewing, 2-00 Judges comments & results

ENTRANCE FEE - £5 to include tea/coffee and printed catalogue

JUDGE – Caroline Colegate ARPS

PARKING – Pay & Display car park in College Road, BN21 4HZ (4 hours £2-60 - 8 hours £4-80) Street parking to the West of the Winter Garden is free and unrestricted, but busy.

DISABLED ACCESS – Stanna lift for push-on wheelchairs and walkers – anyone using motorised would have to transfer to non-motorised to negotiate the stairs.
REFRESHMENTS - Tea/coffee and biscuits at the break. Outside the venue, the Winter Garden is in Eastbourne's theatre district and has many local cafes, restaurants and pubs within minutes walk - especially in Carlisle Road which runs from opposite the Winter Garden to the seafront only minutes away.