Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

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Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

Paul Brett
This post was updated on .
I'm trying to get a bit more info on this, like access for people with cameras.  I'll let you all know.

Everyone is welcome at Run or Dye. Your guests should come expecting to possibly get hit with some dye or stay a safe distance back. Please let them know that there will be a car park charge of £10 and waves of runners will go off through the day from 10am.

Response from the organisers.  I've queried entry fee - just parking fees apply.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for getting in contact.

We do allow photographers to come in but we will just need to sign you in on the day. If you go to the registration tent and ask for Andrea, he will be able to give you a pass/sign you in.

Hope that answers your question.

Kind Regards

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Re: Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

Chris Sawyer
Sounds good.  A long lens is probably a good idea unless you want powder all over your kit.
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Re: Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

Great Idea if access and price is fair - if participating entry costs for all these events come to £39, which is too much for a speculative shot.

Hope you can persuade organisers Paul as I’am a definite
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Re: Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

In reply to this post by Paul Brett
Has anyone confirmed interest in going to above, car sharing essential with £10 parking fee.

Starts around 8 am for 10am run with possible delays in parking.

Forecast looks very hot day

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Re: Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

Alan Graham
I'm out at a classic car show all day on the Saturday so won't be able to make it as well. Sounds fun though. Cling film around cameras might be wise...

On Tue, 25 Jun 2019, 09:54 Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum], <[hidden email]> wrote:
Has anyone confirmed interest in going to above, car sharing essential with £10 parking fee.

Starts around 8 am for 10am run with possible delays in parking.

Forecast looks very hot day

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Re: Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

In reply to this post by Bazza
Unfortunately I can’t make this event.

Sent from my iPad

On 25 Jun 2019, at 09:54, Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Has anyone confirmed interest in going to above, car sharing essential with £10 parking fee.

Starts around 8 am for 10am run with possible delays in parking.

Forecast looks very hot day

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Re: Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

Chris Sawyer
Thanks for the reminder Barrie.  I'm out all day on Saturday, so unfortunately will be out of action for an early start on Sunday.
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Re: Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

Paul Brett
In reply to this post by Bazza
So is anybody planning to go on sunday.  If yes, we can coord a limited number of cars (1).

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Re: Run or Dye, Penshurst Place 30 June

Seems like just ye and me.....
Really need another two for car park in one car.

Sent from my iPhone

On 27 Jun 2019, at 17:25, Paul Brett [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

So is anybody planning to go on sunday.  If yes, we can coord a limited number of cars (1).


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