SLF Colour Pint Submissions 2017/2018

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SLF Colour Pint Submissions 2017/2018

OPS Notices
The following Colour prints have been selected to represent the OPS in next season's SLF competitions. The competitions start in November.

'Memorial Beachy Head' by Tracey Elvidge LRPS
'A Nihang in Amritsar' by David Barnes LRPS
'Hut on the Hill' by Richard Waterman
'Colourful Mountains' by Yicheng Lu
'Firm Going' (aka Six Furlongs Out) by David Barnes LRPS
'Evening Peace' by Richard Waterman
'The Blue Window' by Peter Humphrey ARPS
'Pecking Order' by Alan Graham LRPS

Reserve images are:

'Where Am I!' by Barrie Duffield LRPS
'Lost in Space' by Peter Humphrey ARPS