The SLF competitions start for the OPS on Tuesday 29th October. Last year we progressed to the semi finals of the PDI, Colour & Mono print rounds. We look forward to doing as well or even better this season.
The following images have been selected by the selection committee to represent the OPS this time. PDI Images. First round 29th October 2019 at Aperture Woolwich. 01 Across the Snowfields by Philip Brown 02 Curiosity by Yicheng Lu 03 Strong & Reliable by Barrie Duffield 04 Goldfinch by Richard Waterman 05 Sissinghurst Crocus by Alan Graham LRPS 06 Torture by Peter Humphrey FRPS 07 Hand Off by David Barnes LRPS 08 Running away with the fish by Philip Brown 09 Family Portrait by Jan Gilkes (Reserve) Colour Prints. First round Wednesday 13th November 2019 at Cheam. 01 Willow Ptarmigan AKA Alaskan Chicken by Alan Graham LRPS 02 White Water by Philip Brown 03 Isolation by Peter Humphrey FRPS 04 London by night by Richard Waterman 05 Chain and anchor by Barrie Duffield 06 The dark hedges by Barrie Duffield 07 Tate Modern by Peter Humphrey FRPS 08 Goldfinch by Richard Waterman 09 Bloomberg Headquarters by Peter Humphrey FRPS (Reserve) Mono Prints. First round 26th November 2019 at home (OPS) 01 Village Morning by Yicheng Lu 02 A Man and his Shed Bay Alan Graham LRPS 03 Cantina by Richard Waterman 04 Colonnade Couple by Barrie Duffield 05 City Lines by Peter Humphrey FRPS 06 Tin Foil Tim by Richard Waterman 07 Roller Coaster by Peter Humphrey FRPS 08 A Winter's Night, Strasburg by Alan Graham LRPS 09 The Ghost of Lullingstone Castle by Alan Graham LRPS |
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The first round of the SLF PDI competition involving the OPS was held last night at Aperture Woolwich. David Barnes attended on our behalf. The other clubs involved were Aperture, Beckenham, Bromley and West Wickham.
David cannot give the full result due to Dicentra problems trying to deal with a 3 way tie for 1st place. We were not involved in this tussle and the scores for our images have been added below. Club scores were OPS 60, Aperture 65.5, with the other 3 clubs tied on 68. The tie break gave Beckenham 1st place, Bromley 2nd and West Wickham 3rd. (amended result) 01 Across the Snowfields by Philip Brown 6.5 02 Curiosity by Yicheng Lu 7.5 03 Strong & Reliable by Barrie Duffield 8.5 04 Goldfinch by Richard Waterman 7.5 05 Sissinghurst Crocus by Alan Graham LRPS 7 06 Torture by Peter Humphrey FRPS 9 07 Hand Off by David Barnes LRPS 6.5 08 Running away with the fish by Philip Brown 7.5 09 Family Portrait by Jan Gilkes (Reserve) Not needed We are to battle it out in the Plate competition at West Wickham on Tuesday 21st January 2020. We will be against Croydon and South London. Monica Weller will be the judge. Full Result: 2019-20_Slf_Group_2_-_Pdis_Results_-WordPad.pdf Colour prints next on Wednesday 13th November at Cheam... |
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The first round of the SLF Colour Print competition was held in Cheam on Wednesday 13th November 2019. The following images were entered on behalf of the OPS. Their scores are shown next to each.
01 Willow Ptarmigan AKA Alaskan Chicken by Alan Graham LRPS 9 02 White Water by Philip Brown 9.5 03 Isolation by Peter Humphrey FRPS 8 04 London by night by Richard Waterman 8.5 05 Chain and anchor by Barrie Duffield 8.5 06 The dark hedges by Barrie Duffield 7.5 07 Tate Modern by Peter Humphrey FRPS 10 Certificate Awarded 08 Goldfinch by Richard Waterman 8.5 09 Bloomberg Headquarters by Peter Humphrey FRPS (Reserve) Not Used It was a very close contest and although we were only 1 mark away from first place we ended up 3rd overall and will now progress to the Plate competition. Congratulations to Peter for being awarded a certificate. Below are the team scores and placements: 1st Carshalton CC 70.5 2nd Old Coulsdon CC 70 3rd Orpington PS 69.5 4th Bromley CC 68 5th Croydon CC 65 Full Result: 2019-20_Slf_Group_2_-_Colour_Prints_Results.pdf We are to battle it out in the Plate competition at West Wickham on Tuesday 21st January 2020. We will be against Greewood and West Wickham. Monica Weller will be the judge. This is the same night and venue as our Colour Print Plate competition. Our programmed meeting for this day is round 2 of the Colour Print competition. This WILL go ahead as planned. |
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Mono Prints. First round 26th November 2019 at home (OPS) RESULT*
Our prints scored the following: 01 Village Morning by Yicheng Lu 9 02 A Man and his Shed Bay Alan Graham LRPS 7 03 Cantina by Richard Waterman 9 04 Colonnade Couple by Barrie Duffield 8 05 City Lines by Peter Humphrey FRPS 7.5 06 Tin Foil Tim by Richard Waterman 8.5 07 Roller Coaster by Peter Humphrey FRPS 8 08 A Winter's Night, Strasburg by Alan Graham LRPS 8.5 09 The Ghost of Lullingstone Castle by Alan Graham LRPS No required Below are the team scores and placements* 1st Old Coulsdon 69 2nd* Aperture Woolwich 67* 3rd Carshalton 66 4th Orpington 65.5 5th South London 63 * The SLF committee are to adjudicate a 'non-mono' print entered by Aperture Woolwich which was marked 8 on the night. This may effect the final scores but it is safe to say we will be progressing to the Plate competition. Revised result: 1st Old Coulsdon 69 2nd Carshalton 66 3rd Orpington 65.5 4th South London 63 5th* Aperture Woolwich 59* 2019-20_Slf_Group_2_-_Monochrome_Prints_Results.pdf The committee would like to thank all the OPS members who helped make the evening a success and gave the visiting clubs a warm welcome. |
A message from Gill at the SLF:
Time for the pre-Christmas round-up of this season's competitions again - it seems to come round quicker every year! All first round competitions have now been completed. Thank you to all the clubs that have hosted for us - especially Croydon who have already hosted 2 evenings with a third coming up in January. The results and Semi-Final/Plate fixtures in the New Year are detailed on the Competitions Page of the SLF website at: They are as follows: Semi-Final A at Beckenham PS on Wed 12th Feb; Judge: Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS BPE5* AFIAP APAGB Mono Prints: Croydon v Carshalton Colour Prints: Beckenham v Old Coulsdon PDIs: South London v Bromley Semi-Final B at Old Coulsdon CC on Tue 18th Feb; Judge: David Eastley LRPS Mono Prints: Old Coulsdon v Bromley Colour Prints: Carshalton v West Wickham PDIs: Beckenham v Old Coulsdon Plate 1 at West Wickham PS on Tues 21st Jan; Judge: Monica Weller FRPS ***note early date!*** Colour Prints: Croydon v Orpington v South London PDIs: Greenwood v Orpington v West Wickham Plate 2 at Croydon CC on Wed 29th Jan; Judge: Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB ***note early date!*** Mono Prints: Beckenham v South London PDIs: Aperture Woolwich v Carshalton v Croydon Plate 3 at Bromley CC on Thurs 6th Feb; Judge: Glyn Bareham LRPS CPAGB Mono Prints: Aperture Woolwich v Orpington v West Wickham Colour Prints: Aperture Woolwich v Bromley v Greenwood Please make sure that your members are aware of these dates. Host clubs should prepare the competitions for entry & email all participating clubs at least 4 weeks before the event. Your entries must be uploaded to PhotoEntry at least 2 weeks before the competition. Please make sure your panels are ready to avoid delay. Looking further ahead, Finals Day will be held on Saturday 25th April 2020. The closing date for Finals Day competitions will be Saturday 29th Feb and prints will need to be handed in at the Delegates Meeting on Tuesday 3rd March. I will be in touch with further details early in the New Year. Looking even further ahead, fixtures for the 2020-21 season were issued to clubs by Jack Bates last month. I'm attaching them to this email as some don't appear to have got to your Programme Secs - please pass them on. They will be put on the website when our webmaster has a chance. I think that's everything up-to-date! Thank you for your support during 2019 & best wishes for the Festive Season... Kind regards, Gill Peachey LRPS (SLF Competition Sec.) SLF_Inter-club_Program_20_-_21_V5a_.pdf |
Last night David Barnes represented us at the SLF Plate competition held at West Wickham. Thank you David.
The results for the Colour Print and PDI competitions, as judged by Monica Weller FRPS, are below. We will not be going to the finals in either competition this year... However, we are pleased to announce the PDI 'Torture' by Peter Humphrey FRPS was awarded a certificate. Congratulations to Peter who's print, 'Isolation' was also awarded 10/10 but not a certificate. 2019-20_Slf_Plate_1_-_Colour_Prints_Results.pdf 2019-20_Slf_Plate_1_-_Pdis_Results.pdf Our Mono Prints will be judged on Thursday 6th February at Bromley. |
Last night David, Richard & Alan attended the SLF Mono Plate competition held at Bromley.
The results for the Mono Print competition, as judged by Jack Bates, standing in for Glyn Bareham who was stuck in traffic on the M20, are shown below. We will not be competing in any of the club competitions at the finals... West Wickham progress to the Plate final, Aperture Woolwich beat us into 3rd by 1/2 point. However, we are pleased to announce 'City Lines' by Peter Humphrey FRPS scored 9.5 and was awarded a certificate. Congratulations to Peter. 2019-20_Slf_Plate_3_-_Monochrome_Prints_Results.rtf Please see the notices about entering prints and PDIs as individuals for the finals, there is still hope. |
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