SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

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SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

Chris Sawyer
Here are the details of the SLF Finals day.  This is an opportunity to see the best images that have been produced by South London clubs this year.

OPS have reached the final of the PDI competition.  Please go along if you can.  There is ample parking and good public transport links, including the nearby train and tram stop at Beckenham Junction station.

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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

Chris Sawyer
This is a request from the SLF for volunteers on Final Day.  Entry is free if you volunteer (normally £5).  They need about 2-3 volunteers from each club to assist them.  The tasks are:

- Collect the exhibition boards and light box from St John's at around 10.30 and return them at around 18.30

- Set up the exhibition at the venue from around 11.00-13.00

- Run two attendee admission desks from 13.00 to around 14.30

- Set up the projection screen, print light box and print stands from around 12.00-13.00

- Set up and operate a laptop and projector throughout the event - from around 12.00-17.30

- Dismantle the exhibition from around 15.30-17.30

Please let me know if you are able to help as I need to let Mike Farley of the SLF know your contact details (e-mail and mobile number).


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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

I could be available to assist with setting up the Exhibition at the venue from around 11am to 1390

Contact me at
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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Barrie - I will send your details onto Mike Farley of the SLF.
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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
I was thinking of going along to this event depending on other things happening - anyone else going?
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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

Yes going plus helping out with install of exhibition, so won’t be staying until end
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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

now not able to go. Shame as normally good event and chance to see other peoples work and ideas
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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

Ohh that’s a shame
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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

Just finished setting up the exhibition prints for colour and mono but amazingly none from OPS - it seems we never entered any prints into SLF this year.

Rather embarrassing but will soldier on - now taking money for entry tickets
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Re: SLF Finals - 22nd April 2023

Chris Sawyer
The overall result of the SLF PDI final was reported by Barrie at the AGM.

OPS finished a creditable 2nd with 75.5 points, very close behind Bromley CC with 76 points.

The following images received a perfect 10 from the judge:

'Black veined white (Aporia Crataegi)' by Keith Woonton

'Red Stag at Sunrise' by Fay Saunders

'Lost in her Daydreams' by Neil Hobday.

Congratulations go out to Keith, Fay and Neil for their excellent images.