SLF Finals Day 2017

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SLF Finals Day 2017

David Barnes
A message from Gill Peachey

SLF Finals Day will be held at St. John's Church Hall, Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham, BR3 3JN on Saturday 6th May 2017. Tickets cost £5. A poster for your members & noticeboard is attached.

Our judges this year are: Glyn Bareham LRPS CPAGB, Colin Westgate FRPS MFIAP APAGB and Chris Shore FRPS EFIAP MPAGB BPE5*

The competitions to be held are:
·         Inter-Club Finals:
            Alex Falk Trophy (colour prints)
                        Holroyd Trophy (monochrome prints)
            Vic Smith Trophy (PDIs)
·        Certificate Winners Comps:
                        KJP Trophy (colour prints)
                        Owen Trophy (monochrome prints)    
                        Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl (PDIs)
 ·         Open Competitions:
            Punch Bowl (colour prints)
                Retina Cup (monochrome prints)    
                Jack's Jug (PDIs)
You should refer to the rules for each competition as stated in section 3 of the handbook which is on the SLF website at: .
As usual, clubs that have not gained a certificate in a discipline in the current season can pick a 'Club Champion' from the top scoring work in their club panel. This can be entered into the Certificate Winners competition for that discipline and there is no fee for such entries. A full list of certificate winners and those eligible to pick Club Champions will be issued when all Plate Rounds & Semi-finals have been completed.
This year, to encourage wider participation, there will be no fees to enter the Open Competitions. Up to two entries per author per competition.
Note that all prints must be on 40 x 50 cm mounts - prints not conforming to this size will not be accepted. Also note that the re-use of images in more than one discipline in the Open Competitions is not allowed.
Please ensure that prints are properly mounted with a backing board and use mounting tape (not masking tape!).
All prints must have the print title, author, club and club reference letter clearly marked on the back (a list of club reference letters is attached to this email).
A digital file (1400 x 1050 pixel resolution) must accompany ALL prints, including those in the Inter-club Finals & Certificate Winners Competitions. If the author is unable to provide a digital file of a print, the club co-ordinator should photograph the print and submit the resulting file.
All PDIs to be submitted in 1400 x 1050 pixel resolution. Details of how digital files should be submitted will be sent to clubs in February.
As last year, a Windows PC application will be available to generate entry lists etc from the digital files that you submit. A link to the application, together with instructions & full details of how to submit digital files on a single CD or memory stick will be sent to clubs in February and your entry list must be emailed to me by 28th February 2017.
Please let me know who will be co-ordinating your club's entries. Note: they will need to have access to a PC (not Mac) & be familiar with creating folders plus copying & renaming files.
At the Delegates' Meeting on 2nd March, the club co-ordinator should hand in:
·         Prints
·         Your club's CD/memory stick
·         Money for tickets (cheques made payable to 'The Federation of South London Photographic Societies')
·         Trophies currently held by your club (list attached)
We hope that you will encourage your members to support us by entering the Open Competitions and attending on the day. If you have any further questions, please contact me.
Kind regards,
Gill Peachey
(SLF Competition Sec.)