SLF Finals Results

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SLF Finals Results

This post was updated on .
OPS finished 4th in the Vic Smith Trophy with a score of 59 points.  South London were the winners with 65.5 points followed by Carshalton 61 points and Old Coulsdon 60 points.  Congratulations to South London.

Richard Waterman's image "Common Wasp" was one of six images held and it scored 9 points.  Well done Richard.

The full results for the team event are set out in the attachment (Note, Held images are shown in yellow)

Anne Sutcliffe FRPS selected two images from OPS entries for comment in the Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl.  They were Peter Humphrey's "Covid City" and Richard Waterman's "Common Wasp".  Congratulations to Peter and Richard for their selection for comment by the judge.

Congratulations to Jan Gilkes for winning the Open PDI competition and Jack's Jug trophy with her image "Cathedral Interior".  There were over 180 entries for this competition.  So, this was a fantastic achievement by Jan.


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Re: SLF Finals Results

Only two points between 2nd and 4th. Fantastic  achievement by Jan.
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Re: SLF Finals Results

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by PhilipiBrown
Well done Jan.  Your totally original approach to a familiar subject beat some very stiff competition.
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Re: SLF Finals Results

Thank you all. I just wish I could remember how I did it!

It was a shame the judge didn’t give OPS higher marks for the inter club competition as our images were great.  Yet again, it is one person with their own opinion.
Hopefully next time .......
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Re: SLF Finals Results

Jan you did fantastic with your win. A great  and worthy winner!!!!!!

Well done to Richard and Peter, for doing so well with your images


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Re: SLF Finals Results

Totally agree with Fay’s comments, each year we are improving and considering numbers in club it fantastic results

Cheers Jan, Richard and Peter

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Apr 2021, at 08:03, Fay [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Jan you did fantastic with your win. A great  and worthy winner!!!!!!

Well done to Richard and Peter, for doing so well with your images



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Re: SLF Finals Results

In reply to this post by PhilipiBrown
This is a message from Gill Peachey about the SLF finals

Dear SLF Finals Day Coordinators:
(copied to SLF Committee)

Thank you all for attending Finals Day yesterday - not the usual Finals Day experience, but I hope you enjoyed the event. Many thanks to those who've been in touch to say they did. I hope you all agree that our judges, Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB & Anne Sutcliffe FRPS EFIAP PPSA , did an excellent job. Congratulations to all our winners!

All results of the competitions have now been uploaded to PhotoEntry and a summary of awards is attached. As mentioned yesterday, some of the PDI trophies have only recently gone to the 2020 winners so I propose we swap them to the 2021 winners in September. I very much hope that we can get back on our usual annual schedule in 2022!
In the meantime, I will get certificates etc out to all concerned (from the rounds as well as Finals Day).

As you know, Leon van Kemenade of Old Coulsdon CC kindly recorded yesterday's event. The videos are now available for you and your members to watch on the following links:

Vic Smith Trophy (Inter-club PDI Final) -
Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl & Jack's Jug -

Also available to watch are slide shows of all entries to:

The Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl (for the Best PDI from the inter-club panels) -
Jack's Jug (open PDI competition) -

Note: There is no music on the slide show recordings so put something on in the background and enjoy! Both show the unplaced images followed by those selected by the judge.

Please advise your members that they must not share the links with anyone else and that all images are the copyright of the photographers - thank you.

The videos will be available to watch until 25th April. We hope you all enjoy them.

Kind regards,

Gill Peachey LRPS
(SLF Competition Sec.)

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Re: SLF Finals Results

David Barnes
Please, where is the summary of awards that is attached?
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Re: SLF Finals Results

Here is the summary of awards
