SLF Mono Prints Competition

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SLF Mono Prints Competition

David Barnes
This post was updated on .
This competition took place on 22 November.
The scores were:
68 Beckenham - first after tie break
68 Orpington - second after tie break
68 Carshalton - third after tie break
65.5 Old Coulsdon - fourth
63 Aperture Woolwich - fifth after tie break
63 Mitcham - 6th after tie break.

We had 3 prints held with Richard Waterman's "London Cityscape" awarded 10 and a certificate.
Congrats to Richard.

All scores: 2017-18_SLF_Group_2_-_Monochrome_Prints_Results.pdf

We go through to Semi A on Mon 5th Feb at Carshalton with Steve Kingswell judging. We will compete against South London PS. NOTE- this corrects earlier post.
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Re: SLF Mono Prints Competition

Chris Sawyer
Great to see that OPS continue to be successful in the SLF mono print competitions.  Bring on the semis!

Well done to Richard for his perfect 10.