This competition took place on 22 November.
The scores were:
68 Beckenham - first after tie break
68 Orpington - second after tie break
68 Carshalton - third after tie break
65.5 Old Coulsdon - fourth
63 Aperture Woolwich - fifth after tie break
63 Mitcham - 6th after tie break.
We had 3 prints held with Richard Waterman's "London Cityscape" awarded 10 and a certificate.
Congrats to Richard.
All scores:
2017-18_SLF_Group_2_-_Monochrome_Prints_Results.pdfWe go through to Semi A on Mon 5th Feb at Carshalton with Steve Kingswell judging. We will compete against South London PS. NOTE- this corrects earlier post.