SLF Plate competition hosting

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SLF Plate competition hosting

OPS Notices
Tuesday 22nd January 2019

Doors open to members at 7pm

The following set up is required:

Print stand/Light box to be made ready.

Projector stand and laptop table is required.

4 x standard tables needed (1 x Print Host: 1 x Marked prints: 2 x unmarked/held prints)

1 x table in canteen area for sugar, milk and biscuits

1 x small table for treasurer inside hall door

Chairs: The maximum legal capacity of our hall is 60 chairs but may need reducing because of the number of tables. Help collecting and setting them out will be needed.

Jobs during the event:

Introduction and vote of thanks: Alan G
Projector: Richard (assisted by Ian S)
Print Caller: Chris N (assisted by David B)
Door: Chris S
White Gloves: Jan & Peter
Refreshments: Barrie & Steve

As hosts it would be nice if all members could engage with any of the visiting clubs as they arrive.

These events tend to last until 10pm. We have the hall booked until 10.30pm and will need as many members as possible to help clear the chairs, tables and equipment away.

The committee appreciates any little help you can offer.
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Re: SLF Plate competition hosting

OPS Notices
I would like to thank all the members who helped to make the SLF Plate competition run so smoothly tonight.

You all did a grand job.

Thank you.