SLF Print comp details

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SLF Print comp details

Hello, what prints go into this please. Does the committee choose them from older prints?
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Re: SLF Print comp details

Chris Nash
Fay, the SLF Colour Print Competition allows each of the competing clubs to enter 8 prints into the Competition plus a Reserve Print in case of a Tie-Break.  There is a maximum of 2 prints allowed from any one photographer although the Reserve Print could be from a Photographer who has already had 2 prints entered into the main competition.

Yes the Committee selected the entries for this year and they were chosen from Colour Prints that were entered into last season's (2021-2022) OPS Colour Print Competitions.

I hope I have got this right, if not I am sure someone will correct me.
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Re: SLF Print comp details

Chris Sawyer
Here are the prints that have been entered into the SLF competition next week (22/11):

1. Kestrel Landing in the Wind (Fay)
2. The flight of the heron (Philip)
3. In the Fog (Ron)
4. Tackled (David Barnes)
5. The Secret Society (Neil)
6. Vertigo (Chris S)
7. High Tide (Richard)
8. And they're off (Fay)

Tie-break: Little Egret (Fay)
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Re: SLF Print comp details

Thanks a lot for the info  
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Re: SLF Print comp details

Chris Sawyer
All of the prints shown last night will go forward to the SLF Plate Competition.

I was able to collect some prints, but the following were taken home after the competition:

    Kestrel Landing in the Wind - Fay Saunders

    And They're Off - Fay Saunders

    In the Fog - Ron Jarvis
   The Secret Society - Neil Hobday

Please can Fay, Ron and Neil bring their prints in next week (29th Nov) so we have a full set for the competition.

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Re: SLF Print comp details

ok chris  
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Re: SLF Print comp details

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Fay
THE SLF Plate Finals were held yesterday and OPS were entered for prints.  In a close competition at the top and the bottom the results were:

1st - Croydon CC = 99
2nd - Oprington PS = 97
3rd - Bromley = 90 (tie-break)
4th - Aperture Woolwich = 90 (tie-break)
5th - South London = 89

There were three judges and they were asked to score each print between 2 and 5 using hand-sets (scores could be from 6 to 15 in total).

There were no prints scoring a maximum of 15 and only 2 prints scored 14.  Both of these were by OPS members:

'Kestrel Landing in the Wind' by Fay Saunders (5 + 5 + 4 =14)
'Vertigo' by Chris Sawyer' (5 + 5 + 4)

Other OPS prints to receive at least one 5 were:

'In the Fog' by Ron Jarvis (5 + 4 + 4 =13)
'They're Off' by Fay Saunders (5 + 5 + 2 =12)

Prints scoring two 5's:

Prints scoring one 5 (and Jay Charnock's back):

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Re: SLF Print comp details

Nice one everybody….🤤
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Re: SLF Print comp details

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer

Well done to Fay and Chris for scoring the highest marks on the night for their images.
Did we get anything for second place, apart from the kudos of beating the other clubs?

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Re: SLF Print comp details

David Barnes
No prize for coming second.