SRB Filters - 10% Discount

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SRB Filters - 10% Discount

Chris Sawyer
I bought some filters from SRB Photographic recently.  They were reasonable value and seem to do the job.  They were also offering 10% off their filters and other accessories if we registered our club with them.  This is what they said:

"Good morning.
Yes we can register Orpington Photographic Society with us, to do that
you will need to email us a list of every members name who wishes to
obtain the discount code along with their email address. Once we have
this list we will add the club to our systems and issue a discount code
to the members.
Kind Regards

Abbi Dorsett
Customer Support and Mail Order Personnel


Please can you let me know if you are interested in the 10% discount and I will forward your email address to them.